What if I told you not to tell??? You'd probably do one of three things: number one, and most unlikely, you'd keep my secret and not tell a soul. Two, you'd tell that one close friend (or a couple close friends) who you think wouldn't tell and you'd tell them not to tell, but invariably they would. Or Three, you'd tell everyone because let's face it gossip and spreading rumors is a fun thing to do.

So what if I told you this is all true? Or mostly true? Or only a little sliver of truth is in here and the rest is lies? Would you still read? Would you tell? What if I said that all this is true and I only pretend it's not because it makes for a better story to pretend it never happened? Or what if I tell you it's true and it's really not, would you really believe it?

In either case, this is blog is full of my secrets and whether or not you share them is up to you, but you can't steal them because everything is safe on the internet. And Everyone always believes what they read, so it must all be true. Wait... maybe I'm wrong about this last little bit.

Whatever... It's a secret. Don't tell.

About Me

 am Leah. I am a twenty-four year old Army wife and mother of two. For some of you going "oh no! another army wife bitching about how good she has it" let me stop you. I am not your typical army wife and I wouldn't even say most army wives are the so-called typical wives that we hear about and they aren't like that show Army Wives because no one has houses that nice or has most of the things you see on that show. I love to read. And when I say I love to read, I really mean I LOVE to read. I am obsessed with books and building a book collection that rivals libraries. At this point, not including the books I've downloaded to my kindle and only counting real books, I'd say I own somewhere around 500 books. And yes, I've read them all. Some of them more than once and some of those, countless times. I also love watching TV, mostly odd sitcoms that get canceled (damn those huge tv corporations that don't see that the tv shows with the least viewings are some of the best, cheesy rainy day shows) and dramas that have nothing to do with reality. I also run a household and have two pets that are a constant pain in the ass (and of course, loved as much as children! Trust me, I have kids. I would know!) I tend to write weird things that never get published online because I originally thought that my thoughts were proof that I wasn't sane but I've come to realize that maybe they are... or maybe that's just what I want to tell myself now that I'm going to be sharing them with the world.

Let's see, I also have a husband. See that guy on the left side of my page? Yep, that's my husband. His name is Steve. Or Dork, Husband, Werewolf guy I married, or any of the number of other titles I call him. He's smart, like super smart. He's got one Master's degree and another is about to be completed within a year. Also, he's kind of a Captain in the Army. (I also think he's insane because he married me, but he loves me for some strange reason I'll never understand, but appreciate.) He's also a huge source of laughs for me. I enjoy when I get to tell him about my day and he just smiles at how enthusiastic I am about it. I also enjoy beating him up. See, he's super tall, well not super, but tall. At six foot three inches, he stands one foot and one inch taller than me... Or thirteen inches taller than me. Yes, I am making you do math to figure out how tall I am... or rather short I am. Because he's so much bigger than me, I'm allowed to beat him up. It's the law. And if it isn't, it should be.

We have two kids. Lily, our five year old daughter, and Jax, our three-almost-four year old son. These two are spectacularly cute, amazingly annoying and terrifically funny. Seriously, they always make me laugh and sometimes the only reason I haven't thrown them in the garbage (other than it being illegal and I do love them to bits, of course) is because they are so adorable. I can be raging mad at them and they turn it around by giving me kisses or say something that is so weird and off-the-wall that I have to laugh. Thus their survival to this age.

Our pets are a cat and a dog...

My dog, Beau, is a Great Pyrenees, who thinks cowboy boots are for chewing, boxes are for peeing on and that if you aren't giving him the attention or love he wants, he'll punch you. (No I'm not kidding, he really does punch you and it hurts). My cat, Luna, is black-and-white and feisty. When she went into heat the first time, she got pregnant, so now we're currently expecting kittens. Hope it was worth it, Luna, the 30 seconds of Tom-cat love.  

I started this new blog because of a few reasons. I know that I've been blogging for what seems like the majority of my life (well, since Xanga and we all know how long ago that was, ummm 9th grade?! So 2001-2, so about 10 years.) and I feel like I've always been lacking something. Well today, I have thought about it and imported some of my old blog entries and starting over with the design and all that because... well I want to.

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